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There are some really valuable things to look at when revamping a website. Most websites are purely informational. The opportunity is to make connections, to be effective with creating in-bound sales inquiries from web traffic, here are some pointers to making this work:

1. Define Content that your customers want. Deliver it in an entertaining and useful format that is appropriate for your market.

2. Ask yourself ” What does everyone in our business always do?” Consider doing something closer to the opposite of what everyone always does. Seriously, consider eliminating the programmed thinking based on standard practices.

3. Explore Applications – widgetize services that your customers will appreciate

4. Define the three main questions prospects tend to ask and simply answer those clearly.

5. Try to take existing customers to a different landing page from prospects. Improve the language for both constituencies.

Make sure there is at least a element of humanity in what you’re doing. Nobody wants to work with a robot.